Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Big Journey Out West - The Matriarch Approves.

Dreamt that the ocean was giving signs of the pending end of the world. Giant pelicans were falling to their death in packs of 3 (biggest, big, smallest - families). I knew that their deaths were caused by man but I could not pin-point the cause. People were gathering by water - in fear and awe and anticipation. I was with my Gaspesian family. There was a sense of panic. I turned around and my gre
at-grandmother was sitting on a beach chair in her bathing suit - wearing a big floral visor, as she always did. Relaxed and unafraid. She was calm. She said, "Get to the West Coast while you still can". She looked at Peter and smiled, gave me her blessing to move forward with him. She said he was a lucky being and lucky for me. I wish I'd touched her hands before I woke up. The first time Tip Nanny has made herself so present to me in a long time. I am moved.