This article: -- really got to me. I felt sad for the author. Sad that she doesn't believe that all of these things are possible.
People - the power of self-awareness, positive thinking, hard work, setting goals, is limitless. You are your only hurdle to achieving a life you love. Some people have it worse than others, of course. And I was blessed with supportive parents, inspired communities, a life in a cultural hub - maybe it's easier for me. I truly believe though, that it's all in your mind. The power of the mind to push you up or drag you down....
Here was my response to the article:
Well written and funny but I have an issue with the simplification and generalization.
As children, we all need direction. The problem is not being told that we can be anything we want to be; The problem stems from denying us the exploration and the pursuit of fields that truly stimulate the best in us. Yes - we are told we can be anything - and shortly afterwards, pushed into areas that older generations deem economically sound, fields of status - sciences, mathematics, linguistics, politics. This occurs from a very young age. Of course that leads to so many of us pursuing careers in which we are bound to not necessarily fail, but not necessarily thrive since they are not areas that truly drive us as passionate people. Being told that our true interests are silly or hobbies or time-wasters does a job to our lifelong morale. We choose jobs, careers, lives that don't drive us and then yes... all these statements manifest themselves as lies.
What if we were told we could be anything and then left free, without judgement, to explore the areas we truly love? (Read: The Element by Ken Robinson). What if our parents and elementary schools placed more importance on different kinds of intelligence (body, sound, sight, touch). How many of us would dream of being artists, dancers, musicians, dog whisperers, tree planeters, motivational speakers, world travelers, fort builders,...
I believe, without societal pressures, in encouraging environments - these lies are not lies - they should just come with disclaimers:
1. When you pursue what you are truly passionate about,“You can be anything you want to be.”
2. (I'm simplifying but I believe at the heart of it, positive attracts positive) If you know yourself and love your life you are more likely , “... to grow up and find your very own Prince Charming to marry.”
1. When you pursue what you are truly passionate about,“You can be anything you want to be.”
2. (I'm simplifying but I believe at the heart of it, positive attracts positive) If you know yourself and love your life you are more likely , “... to grow up and find your very own Prince Charming to marry.”
3. If you study something you're actually interested in and fully commit to your development in the field, “College is the iron-clad guarantee of a f-cking awesome job!!!!!!1″
4. If you know yourself and love what you are doing, you will be more prone to positive sentiment and self-actualizing thoughts and personal success:
“You are beautiful and unique and special, there is no one like you.”
5. When pursuing something you care about deeply, victory is not the end goal. Simply being a part of it is gratifying.
“Even if you lose, you still get a participation trophy.”
4. If you know yourself and love what you are doing, you will be more prone to positive sentiment and self-actualizing thoughts and personal success:
“You are beautiful and unique and special, there is no one like you.”
5. When pursuing something you care about deeply, victory is not the end goal. Simply being a part of it is gratifying.
“Even if you lose, you still get a participation trophy.”