Throughout the past 5 weeks, I attempted on a several occasions to blog it up and put down solidly and wholeheartedly, what it was that I was going through and the feelings that I encountered.
Much, much, harder than anticipated! My thoughts (that I created this blog to sift through and make sense of) have been overlapping, endless, indecipherable, unpredictable; attempting to put them into understandable sentences is impossible until they allow me to sort them.
I struggled when contemplating my degree in Marketing and my fading enthusiasm for a career that would inevitably leave me bruised, sour and jaded. I realize this is a negative point of view of the marketing industry, but I’m losing my luster for it and I see clearly how the people in the industry, constant pressure and high levels of competition would affect me. I’m coming to terms with the fact that my drive to be the “bitch in the business suit” is slowly losing speed…. An alternative is taking hold of me. One that many Professors and a certain institution (cough cough JMSB) may frown upon. Forget the executive position, endless piles of paper work and constant schmoozing; they will not satisfy me or allow me to grow creatively. I just want… happiness. Happiness through creation!
Melding my want, nay, need, to create with a career that envelopes the elements of marketing that I truly do love: the people, the understanding of the psychology of people, pleasing your client, creating based on consumer demand = the perfect job.
My digital arts course has definitely played a huge role this semester, in steering me towards: Creation… Art…. Images….. Colours…. Lines…. Design!
Graphic artist, perhaps?
I wrote an old friend who is the founder, designer & art director of his own graphic design firm, Zerflin ( He gave me several points to follow when embarking on a career as a graphic artist.
One that seriously stuck with me is #10:
Be brave. In everything you do, take risks, and try new things. Regularity stifles creativity.
Hence, my push to leave my comfort zone in an educational context and social context. Infact, this push to remove myself from my comfort zone has led to two major, MAJOR factors in my career search and on my path!
I feel exhilarated! NEW! My being around creative people has lead to a far more creative me… I’m seeing things in a new light... and constantly lost in dreams of the future.