School begins in exactly 3 weeks! So this is pretty much the lull before the big bang. And this also feels like pretty much, the end of my prehistory. The end of my prologue. After this, who knows. This next year will change everything! The next year will start my new chapter.
I cannot wait to be submersed in an intensive graphic design program with passionate artists surrounding my everyday! I feel so happy and assured. Definitely not the feelings I had when I initially made the decision to go back to school. A few weeks ago, the fear of being beyond broke (with a massive loan over my shoulders) greatly overshadowed the excitement. The truth is that this is an investment in my future, albeit, a very large one. But forget the money, this is the necessary step. This is what I gotta do to get where I wanna be! The professor I'm assisting's words are ringing in my head: "Go for the jugular, don't be passive, don't think about the money - just focus on putting yourself where you need to be, who do you want to be in 20 years?". She gives me lots to contemplate. And she's right, if you want to be somewhere, you have to envision it and just go for it.
So before I get into the craziness that is September, I've been taking advantage of working from home, streaming Big Brother, making trips to Atwater Market, hanging out with girlfriends and making delicious meals with my lova. Last night we had a dinner of gourmet cheese (Camenbert from Quebec and France, Brie, spicy Gouda, Quebec Goat, aged Cheddar - accompanied by blueberries, olives and grapes), fresh bread, yummy salad and some lemon dark chocolate to top it all off. DELECTABLE and mouth watering as I think of it now.
September will mean my second trip to the Gaspe (to celebrate my Dad's 58th and his retirement), the filming and editing of promotional videos for JMSB undergraduate courses with yours truly as the Art Director :), the start of my graphic design studies, some fall camping and a weekend of PodCamp.

I feel so satisfied and positive about my choice! Cheers to the beginning of the rest of my life...
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