I've always been a curious person I suppose, but my recent leap into a design career and increased internet surfing has seriously peek my curiousity. I mean, come on people, how amazing is TWITTER?! Compelling content that I ask to hear about. What more could you ask for from a social media website?
Sure does beat the 30 posts a day from that one facebook friend who spends all their time on Farmville...
And Reddit?! Granted, I don't have an account and am not the most frequent visitor, but my bf sends me all the links I'd be interested in. He's like my personal Twitter filter for Reddit :).
And on the subject of inspiration, did any of you head out to the Igloofest in Montreal this month? What a visual trip! The lights, the ice sculptures, the people, the music... and the brilliant event marketing. Igloofest = My Heaven = Marketing+Design for the 20 somethings.
ALSO, TEDxConcordia - Feb 19, I'm there, Baby!
I'm bursting with excitement from all the stimulation and inspiration I've gotten from 2011 so far. I'm hungry for more.
Here are a few items to spark you're curiousity as well:
JOOZE - The sweetest juice box packaging I've ever seen.
A still from Amelie - exceptional film and the inspiration for my newly acquired haircut :)
3-D Crayola Chalk??!?!? Light years beyond my childhood art tools
Igloofest scene! This shot doesn't do it justice but it gives you a tiny taste...
I dare you not to love this song! Janelle Monae, thank the universe for you. Faster, off her lastest album Arch Android.
Vibrant floral patterns... I'm a sucker for them.
On the topic of floral patterns.... William Morris, Pattern God. (My new title image is a William Morris pattern)
Art by Gordon Reid of Middle Boop
Marian Bantjes -- she must be on the verge of insanity... Her work is insanely beautiful and insanely meticulous
Ink in water.... I am fascinated.
A final image to ponder over: Space colonies. Ya.... sit on that one for a while.
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