In this day and age, when so many of our perceptions and judgments are based on ones' viral activity, a large part of our identities are created through our presence online. People judge us based on our online activity, employers do or do not hire us based on our online activity and our online activity can make or break a potential relationship based on that initial acceptance of friendship and the lurking that ensues shortly afterward. What does my online presence say about me?
What does this blog say about me?
I realize that I created it and am following through on it for selfish reasons, to track my progression and hopefully force myself into a forward momentum as far as my career is concerned; Nonetheless, I'm writing it for the masses. The point is to stand out and have a voice among every other 24 yr old blogger trying to find their way. The few followers that I have and the few that happen upon my blog gain insight into my life in these short snippets - same goes for the farce that is my facebook page and my newly created linkedin page. (I realize that in the short amount of time that I've had this blog, others' perceptions of me have been a topic on two occasions, but I care about what people think of me and I'm not ashamed of that. Human interactions are what life's all about and therefore, I contemplate this stuff).
I want people to perceive me for what I am. It's so easy for people to create preconceived notions of you. In fact, it's human nature, but I want to shape those perceptions to the best of my ability. Can we really depict who we are through a viral medium? Maybe that's what this day's communication is all about.
I'm hoping that someone out there - some random who's destined to enter into my life - will stumble upon one of my online profiles and think, "I understand this girl, I get this girl, she's real and I want to give her an opportunity". I know it sounds ridiculous; However, with so much of our lives online and so much effort put into creating these accurate online depictions/snapshots of who we are fundamentally, isn't our goal to have someone connect with us and "feel" us and to inevitably gain from that connection? Don't we all want someone to say, "I think you're great and I want to help you on you career path." Okay, maybe not all of us want that... But, I do! Over here, world!! Look at me, surf my pages, see my potential!
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