People watching. I could not get more lost in, or be more gratified by, people watching. I could spend hours soaking up the emotions, outfits, swaggers, hairstyles, sourpuss faces. I spend (as does everybody) so much time completely absorbed by myself and the happenings around me. It blows my mind to sit and watch people and attempt to fathom the size of the universe that is their life. They walk by me and for a split second, I am a part of it all... and, they are gone. However, I'm left with their sense, their being - maybe their aura. I often feel haunted by my people watching stints - not in a horror-movie sort of way, but in a "touched-by-their-presence" sort of way. I feel inspired either by peoples' individualities or by their lack there of. I want to soak up the uniqueness and creativity that goes into putting oneself together - creating the package that is seen as "you" by the other passerbys. I feel inspired to be more of myself and to be less like the norm. I feel inspired by the longing to stand out and leave my presence behind when walking by a fellow people watcher. What impression do I leave with them? What impression do I want to leave?
In essence, the people watching, allows me a brief delve into a universe unlike my own, infact completely different from my own. I take from that universe what I can during our rapid encounter, based on my perceptions and judgments and mood and I submerge back into my universe, slightly altered - with my mind and eyes more open and my awareness of self more acute.
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