So here's a post I've had saved in my drafts since before I went to the Gaspe... oh ya, I went to the Gaspe :). Left on July 19th, a much needed week of tranquility, great food, laughs, family and time with Rox... But anyways, Blogger was testing my patience and not working with me properly so this post of projects is certainly not up to date. I honestly cannot wait to put down in writing all that's been happening. This blog has truly become a place for me to contemplate, solidify thoughts and find clarity. In moments of big change/decision making, I long to blog it out in order to figure it all out!
I was feeling inspired from the article I'd read about the little arcs and big arcs of life (view below), so I decided to track some of the recent "small arcs" I'd accomplished.
July 18th, 2010 - "I'm just about to watch the new True Blood episode, loading as we speak, so I don't have the time to fill in the details about said small arcs - so here are a few pictures! They speak for themselves..."
New fridge colour
Breakfast time
Verdun exploring by bike (I've yet to find a name for it)
Life projects are so important for... LIFE!! It's great to have positive things to look forward to every week, and someone amazing to share them with.