I've recently discovered my passion for conscious creation; that is, creating with the earth and sustainability in mind. In a recent assignment for school, I had to come up with a book front and back cover. I could choose any book or invent the book and invent the blurb. I'm dedicated to not wasting any projects throughout this diploma! Every project will be aimed at a final vision. A vision of me and where I want to be in the (near) future. I'm a big fan and believer in positive thinking. I believe that if you continuously send positive energy towards envisioning yourself in a specific position, place, type of relationship, eventually, you will end up where you want to be. Positive energy attracts positive energy. At the very least, my projects will depict my interests and will tell a story about me.
Speaking of completed projects that speak volumes about me:
The promotional videos that I directed and edited (with the help of JMSB video tech), are officially done and links are posted online!! I'm am thrilled with the final results! Three promo videos for the two classes I am assisting: Service Marketing and B2B Marketing. Three promo videos that demonstrate the benefits of a customer focused strategy, the importance of a design mind in marketing, the necessity of relationship based marketing and the advantage once graduated of having taken these courses. All aspects that I can attest to and that I'm truly passionate about! I'll post a link to them soon...
In the mean time, check out my book front and back covers!
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