For a while now, I've been forming an online project in my mind but haven't had the opportunity to bring it to fruition.
I've wanted to create an online collection of my journaling from my Italy 2010 drawing trip. By packaging my journal entries, photos, personal sketches, course sketches and scans of all my random pamphlets, tickets and handouts, I believe I could recreate my experience.
Evidently, my own ego will be satiated by putting my work out there... but It's way more than that. It's about creating a digital snippet of a journey. An art project that took almost a year to come about - a month of intensive drawing, observations, emotions and exploration and a subsequent 9 months of contemplation and growing awareness of the impact this journey has had on who am I and where my life is going.
In my web design class, I have recently been given the mandate of creating a website - the topic is ours to choose and really, we are only fulfilling a few html requirements - so it could be extremely general and simple. But, I want to make this project personal. I have already completed half my design diploma, which means that I have only 4 more months to come up with a portfolio of pieces that truly represent me. I don't just want to meet requirements, I want to pour my heart out.
So my web page will be step one of my online Italy journal. The beginning of my Moleskin Retrospective.
For the sake of opening myself up to the internet world (as if I don't already do it) - here is an entry from my Italy moleskin.... Uncensored (apart from a couple of names), unedited. A review of my first drawing class in Italy.
May 10, 2010
Today was definitely step one in embracing the positive and accepting the negative, but more importantly – MOVING on & FORWARD from it!
Woke up feeling extremely crappy after it took me a long time to get to sleep and was woken by a fly buzzing by my ear. Two extremely weird nightmares:
1 – Woman (anorexic) wearing red leather dress and black zip up leather heals to her thighs. Beating Edward against another cat and she killed him.
2 - ***** wanting to leave ***** and refusing to listen to reason. Acting like an adolescent with her IPod earphones in.
Was slow to get into it but was quickly rejuvenated by Michele’s first drawing class. We walked down a country path. Old wooden broken down fence lining the way, trees surrounding us, creating a canopy of green foliage.
I sat attentively, soaking up her passion, love, wisdom & SENSUAL sentences. She feels everything she says. She breathes art. She wants us to experience art w/ all 5 senses. Drawing w/ an open mind, drawing in the present and walking the thin line connecting what we can depict in a 15 min sketch with reality. The drawing becomes our reality of the situation.
She expects passion from us. A constant connection between ourselves and the drawing. We need to submerse ourselves.
I am ready. I am completely ready. I want this experience and what I learn to define me and shape the rest of my life.
We drew four sketches – each time I took in what she said to improve. I want to show my passion to her, not for the grade and not for her respect but for me - In order to not do this half assed. I will benefit most if I’m a nerd about it. A shameless drawing nerd.
We showed our drawings for critique from Michele. Mine were mentioned twice as very strong. But I have a long way to go. It needs to be less about drawing it and more about feeling it – putting my feelings about what I’m seeing down on paper. Feeling what I’m seeing and interpreting it. Understanding the skeleton and structure and building up around that, less “exactly” what I’m seeing and more what I’m experiencing.
I loved every second. Classes only this morning, wasn’t enough. MORE MORE MORE PLEASE. I felt relaxed, I felt whole and good with myself.
Drawing makes me feel alive, connected to what’s happening around me.
It was good for my soul and I can’t wait for tomorrow.
As usual, missing Peter, my lover, but feeling more attached to the people around me, especially specific aspects of them. Connected to the good and trying to avoid the negative.
Rich personalities, warm people, interesting conversations. We’re already a strange little family.
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