Week two of job-search 2010 has commenced!
May the Great Job land in my lap with little effort! (....suuuuuure)
Week one was actually rather productive considering the fact that I have been taking great advantage of some free-time, sleeping in, reading and streaming far too many online shows. But hey, I'm giving myself a little break and not stressing the small stuff. I may be searching for a while so I don't want to be self-deprecating. I deserve some good-for-the-soul time, and by gosh, I'm going to take it!
Accomplishments from week one include but are not limited to:
- Prettying up my C.V.
- Adding "Creative Assistant to Assoc. Marketing Prof. Michele Paulin" under my list of work experience.
That reminds me, forgot to mention that I got a position as a teacher's assistant for an inspiring, driven and at times frighteningly, hard-working associate marketing professor at JMSB. Yay me!! I've already jumped into assisting her in the innovation of course content, outline and pedagogy as well as the creation of dynamic promotional tools for her classes. I will be assisting a Marketing of Services class and a Business-to-Business Marketing class at the undergraduate level. I must say, I feel rather proud of myself! And, I owe this position entirely to the fact that I stuck my neck out in her class last semester and decided to stand out and make a name for myself in my final semester as an undergrad. (Much of my gusto last semester was encouraged by this blog, by the way.)
Back to my list of accomplishments from week one...
- Contacted a head hunter to aid in my search of a creative job!
- Applied to 4 positions. The most interesting of which were: Social Media Marketer and Graphic Design Blog Manager.
Oh and...
- I got a bike!
This last one is rather important to me, not just for the savings on transportation and also not because of the physical benefit of the work out.
Although it was great to relax a little last week and have few responsibilities, I found myself feeling extremely lathargic around Friday afternoon. I realised just how much I love routine and schedule. This bike means a set, daily or weekly, trek that's
bon pour le morale, that keeps the endorphins flowing and that's all around positive for my mental (and creative) stimulation. A constant recharge for my mind and body.
I told myself last night that I would start week two off with some POSITIVITY! No wallowing on facebook about other peoples' day jobs and summer activities. I took an hour or so bike ride along the Lachine Canal path. I was sweaty, red, exhausted... and I felt so great! The wind from the canal and Fleetwood Mac in my ears, what an amazing way to start off the day.
The bike ride also reminded me of what had been so important while in Italy - observation, taking time for yourself, enjoying with all your senses... I stopped and drew for 5 mins along the way. I had forgotten last week how good that felt.
No, I haven't sent out another C.V. today, but I feel good. I feel positive and I accept that this might take awhile. Afterall, I'm not looking for a quick fix, I'm looking for the perfect niche!