Not usually my style to come up with resolutions for the new year, but as I mentioned in my previous post, I'm feeling rather sad about the end of 2010 - so I want to keep up the positive energy and momentum and in true new year's form, I will do so with resolutions. No these will not be the regular, eat better, save money and exercise... although I could use a little of all three - these resolutions focus on creating mental and emotional stability (in my career and in my relationships) and encouraging an INSPIRED lifestyle.
There has been a big change in me since 2009 when I started writing this blog. I strongly believe that a great majority of my personal development is due to the fact that this blog has allowed me to reflect and write down my aspirations. So here they are... by putting them out their for readers, I'm encouraging myself to follow-through.
One-a-day drawing challengeI learnt last semester that the design can really suck me in, distract me from the other IMPORTANT happenings in my day-to-day, take away from my relationships and cause me to create only for projects, rather than sheer enjoyment. Although I'm loving studying design, I see now that it can become difficult to turn your design brain off in order to focus on you and the important people around you. I want to take this year to learn how to step away from projects.
My boyfriend was challenged to a blog test by his father - Peter must write a blog-a-day (monetary gain is a main driver, but the self-reflection and encouraged work-ethic will be great gains as well). Inspired by Peter's daily blog post, I decided to take on a one-drawing-a-day challenge that will encourage me to stay in touch with myself creatively. It will also allow me to have at least a half hour every day to shut off my brain and step away from the school-induced, design trance. I'm hoping that this forced trance-escape will bring me back to reality and remind me to enjoy my time out of school with my mind also, out of school.
Be presentWhile in Italy, I learnt that the smallest distraction can take away from the impact of what's directly in front of you. Seems rather obvious, right? However, you don't actually realize it until you shut off your cellphone and ipod, go for a walk, open your eyes and soak up what's around you. (Give it a try!)
We are a distracted generation, and I am a product of these times. Often, I will be focused on several things as once: my work, my laptop, my cellphone, my plans for the weekend, my relationships, what food we need to buy. This inevitably, takes away from my enjoyment of what's happening directly in front of me.
I want to take this year to be present, in the moment, wholeheartedly. When in school, I will not check my facebook. When spending time with my boyfriend, I will shut my laptop. When having dinner, I will focus on the bites rather than the show in the background. I will give myself time to plan, dwell, multi-task, over-think, conceptualize... but once done, I will drop that topic and focus on the next task. Focus on my life.
SavourThis goes hand in hand with being present. But with savouring comes enjoying. I want to enjoy and become inspired by the small things around me. I want to enjoy the flavours, colours, textures, aromas and tones of all around me. I want to see patterns and engrain them in my mind so that I can recreate them with my own flare. I want to smell herbs at the Atwater market, use them to create a meal with my boyfriend, and then savour my time in the kitchen while we make the dish. I want to appreciate the unconditional love that my kittens give me. I want to enjoy more varieties of cheese. I want to learn more about the subtleties of wine. The world around me, including my apartment, community and Montreal, have so much richness, I don't want to let my daily affairs get in the way of enjoying it all.
Become Informed and... InspiredThe only way for me to thrive in graphic design is to know what's out there, who's at the top and what it takes to get to the top. Especially with my interest in sustainable design, a field that has yet to be fully tapped into and which is, just now, growing in popularity, I MUST become informed! What firms are involved in conscious design? How can I get involved on a personal basis?
This year will be one of blog & book reading, image saving, teacher nagging and podcast listening, possibly conference attending? I need to create a bank of information. Once I complete this diploma and am looking for a position, I will know what companies I want to work for, which designers I admire, what campaigns I find inspiring and.. who knows what else? I wonder...
My boyfriend's father told me, while we were speaking about the one-blog-a-day initiative, "you create your habits in your 20's, you live with your habits in your 30's". I want to be someone who takes their personal and professional endeavours into their own hands.