Friday, March 26, 2010

40 days and 40 nights until...

My Italian adventure begins!!!
Days filled with homemade colaziones and cenas, visitas, italiano classes and disegno disegno disegno! I want to submerse myself into my drawing and soak it all up - see everything as an artist with an open mind, have little inhibition and a strong sense of self. I want to start seeing the world as I used to see it during my first year in fine arts at John Abbott College; as lines and shades and curves and colours and depth. I'm going to make a pact with myself to document all of it - remember all the names and places and be able to put digital and drawn images to them.

Here's a list of the predetermined drawing/lesson/visit/touring spots!
Cortona, Tuscany
Piazza Del Duomo

This trip signifies a major change for me: the finishing of my degree in Marketing from John Molson School of Business and the end of my time spent working in an office as an administrator (...yawn...); More importantly, it represents the beginning: the beginning of embracing my artistic side and doing so with a business mind, the beginning of marketing my skills and valuing my true talents, the beginning of embracing who I want to be and striving towards it, the beginning of my life post undergrad.... and the beginning of who knows what else. Hopefully, the beginning of a completely new mindset - one of individuality, passion, precision, self-confidence, skill development, ambitiousness (not to say that I haven't shown ambitiousness) but this is the start of my passionate ambition, driven by my abilities, intelligence, sense of self and broadened knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be an amazing success! What better way to make the transition from school-life to real-life than by having a month-long eye-opening artistic adventure in Italy? When you get back, you will have a great sense of what you want next!
