Friday, March 26, 2010

Client rage... and a little self-encouragement!

Just because I happen to still be a student, does not mean that I don't have experience or a brain. I have skills and they are valuable. I feel confident in my ability to put a monetary amount to those skills. Does it really offend you that that amount happens to be higher than you expected? I'm sorry that you wanted cheap labour, but my work is solid - I'm not going to do the job for peanuts. There's no need for you to give me life advice or belittle me - I am not naive. And to be honest, my status as a marketing student probably benefits you - I have artistic skills with a marketing background. Isn't that a step above? Especially when delivering communication creatives?

I realize that I need to work for less in order to build up my experience but I don't want to enter this business by lowering my prices simply to please cheap clients; particularly considering my packed schedule and lack of time for work.
I'm facing the reality that I might just have to work for less once I get back from Italy and have no job - but the bottom line is, my work is good and it should be priced as such. It'll be much easier then, though. I'll have no school work, no job (for a short time) and I'll be doing something I'm passionate about - I could deal with less cash.
I do feel unsure and a little shakey but this is where it begins, I have to reinforce the confidence and stand behind my abilities. Therefore, my work=$$$. Otherwise, I'll be just another struggling artist with no self-confidence and making no money.

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