Saturday, November 27, 2010
Chance Encounters
But what is all of this worth if my daily positive efforts do not encounter another persons' efforts? If I do not affect anyone around me, then how can my life advance to the place that I envision it? I have been shown over and over this year that momentum in my life is accelerated substantially through chance encounters.
Last semester, as I mentioned in a previous blog post, I wanted to leave a mark on JMSB and go out with a bang. I intentionally stepped up my game and proved to myself and my class mates that I am intelligent, well-spoken and can hold my own in a professional setting. I made some marks on professors and I am giving myself a huge pat on the back for having done so. These professors are now showing me what it means to have connections, a strong network and most importantly, mentors. I am learning what it is to be in the "real-world" and to maneuver through bureaucracy, politics, and older men who think they're above me. :)
The professor I work for has put me in contact with the art director of Little Burgundy shoes. She is an amazing women! She has made me feel so right in my choices so far. I am headed down a similar path that she was on at my age... and look where she is now! And she's only 32. Who knows what this connection will mean once I'm finished my graphic design diploma and looking for a job.
Although I always suspected it, this year has solidified that the chance encounters you make can change the trajectory of your life. Not only in a professional way, but in a spiritual and emotional way as well. I now seeing meeting new people as an opportunity for change, excitement and a new perspective. I met an extremely interesting young woman this summer who was bursting with positive energy and hope. She said that meeting people was her favorite activity since she believes you can learn something new from every person you come across. She went on to say that everyone sees the world in different colours and opening your mind will enable you to see the world with more vibrancy. Takes the negative "personal gain" twinge out of networking, right? It's not about networking, it's about building new relationships.
These chance encounters can happen at any moment! You have to be ready. Think about it when you dress in the morning. Think about it when you have a sour face on after a long day of work. Think about it as you take the metro. Thinking about the possibility of these chance encounters has made me a more open-minded person. It forces me to put a smile on even if I'm not feeling so great. And all around it makes me more thoughtful and kind towards others. Who knows how the person next to you could end up changing your direction or outlook?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Italia in a tiny, tiny, nutshell...
What better topic to create a video of than Italy!? I had over 2000 pics to choose from and could talk about it for hours. Quite frankly, it was a great sum up of the trip for me; even though there was absolutely no way this video could do the trip justice... None the less, a touching reminder... and it was definitely liberating to talk about it and work on it, sort of like trip closure.
I've tried on countless occasions, unsuccessfully, to upload the vid through Blogspot. So here's a link to the vid on Youtube!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Creating Consciously
Speaking of completed projects that speak volumes about me:
The promotional videos that I directed and edited (with the help of JMSB video tech), are officially done and links are posted online!! I'm am thrilled with the final results! Three promo videos for the two classes I am assisting: Service Marketing and B2B Marketing. Three promo videos that demonstrate the benefits of a customer focused strategy, the importance of a design mind in marketing, the necessity of relationship based marketing and the advantage once graduated of having taken these courses. All aspects that I can attest to and that I'm truly passionate about! I'll post a link to them soon...
In the mean time, check out my book front and back covers!

Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Burden of Honesty and The Time for Change
There comes a time in your life when you have to let go of the negativity that lingers from your adolescent angst. I realize now that I am so hellbent on identifying as an "honest and upfront" person in large part due to the need to prove to my family members that I am not selfish or insensitive - I'm just honest. I say something that hurts someone and rather than owning up and attempting to change, I say "Sorry, this is me". Change is hard, I guess I was avoiding it.
Now that I understand what type of person I am, and now that I understand that my blunt, and sometimes brutal, honesty hurts people, what am I to do? Here comes the lesson, sometimes it's better to simply keep it to myself – swallow my pride and swallow the need to say what’s on my mind. It's proving to be incredibly tough.
During my discussion with my sister this weekend, my father had had enough and intervened: "That's enough! Erin, you hurt her feelings, don't ask why, ask what you can do to change the way she's feeling! Andrea, your sister will not change, you may have to grow a thicker skin! This is about social and emotional intelligence! This is simple, think about what you say and how it makes others feel!!" he said (...yelled...).
I must say, this yelling session did bring back those defensive feelings from high school. It made me want to stand up to my father and show him that my opinion counts. But in this case, he was entirely right. I am proud of the fact that I am an honest individual who doesn't hold back and shows my true emotions; however, I am now old enough to put my pride aside and understand that sometimes, my need to be honest is simply not as important as others' comfort.
But, this blog is about working towards becoming a well-rounded and successful businesswoman and therefore, all post should be directed towards this cause! As touched upon by my wise father, this weekend of realization has shown me a lot about business interactions and the need to be as emotionally in tune as possible. If my goal is to one day run my own business, I need to understand people and be able to successfully maneuver around any and all social interactions, emotionally charge or not. I need to have a firm grasp on when to keep my mouth shut and when to add a little white lie. Not for my own advancement in a specific position, but so as to avoid hurting people. Hurting those around me inevitably causes me a great deal of pain, long-lasting guilt and causes them to resent me. I'm at the age now that I'm ready to let go of my pride and the hard-headedness of the 17 year old in me. I want to work at being a better adult, one who can become aware of their faults and work at them, one who's fair, one who's respected and constructively critical when needed. Change is hard, I get that now. I see it all clearly and I'm ready to grow up.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tough being sustainable in Mtl
We live in a pre-apocolyptic world - and I don't think I'm being over dramatic about it.
A friend of mine recently told me about presentations given by Harvard professors - Harvard Thinks Big. Professors discussed topics they were most passionate about. Psychology professor Daniel Gilbert discussed sustainability and the climate crisis. "A war on global warming should seem as crucial to us as the War on Terror." - Gilbert.
Here's an article on Harvard Thinks Big:
But why aren't we more involved in a war to save our planet? According to Gilbert, the threat of global warming does not appear immediate, immoral, imminent or instantaneous enough for us to feel physically unsafe and therefore, our survival instincts don't kick in and pump up the pressure to REACT!
Check out the video and become a little more conscious:
There was recently a not-for-profit film created called Home that was released through digital medias to encourage society's involvement in the fight against global warming. The film states that in fact, we have ONLY 10 years to completely change up the way we're doing things or... we're literally, fucked. (My first and only swear in this blog and I stand behind it).
Here's the blurb on the vid:
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.
The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.
For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.
HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand
HOME official website
PPR is proud to support HOME
HOME is a carbon offset movie
More information about the Planet
So, back to little old me and the spec that is Mtl. I've come to the point where I can't sit back any longer and ignore the responsibility that I have as a visiting homosapien to this planet. I'm starting to feel honest regret and sadness when I see waste. I'm starting to loose sleep over it. I do my best on a daily basis to REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE. Yet, I'm surrounded by friends who think they can't make a difference and surrounded by teachers who encourage useless printing and numerous copies of the same document. Beyond that, I take the metro (instead of bike). I use aerosol products. This summer, I used my A/C. I eat meat. It seems like an impossible fight! It's overwhelming and truthfully depressing. Visuals of our destroyed oceans, rivers, glaciers, extinct animal life, logged forests make me choke up. I'm feeling the weight of my indebtedness to this planet and I must act. I'll reinforce positive behaviour from those around me even though I get looks of annoyance. "Who is this know-it-all?" they think. "How condescending!". I will push through, you can give me your looks, we are talking about our planet and the future of our progeny. The only way to get people involved is to break the cycle of naivety and ignorance.
Our entire education process must be geared towards conscious living and reducing waste. Why don't we have electronic textbooks yet? Computerized exams? People need to be shown by example. People need to be shunned for negative behaviour. The only way to do that is to teach and encourage the youngest and, as GenY, we must step up. Evidently, the older generations (I'm obviously generalizing here) are set in their ways, hard-headed and as nature dictates it, on the outs. Therefore, the fight against the climate crisis is our task to take up! Set examples for those around you and think local rather than global. Focus on the community rather than international. Support sustainability around you.
In the mean time, I will attempt to create in ways that make the planet smile. Reusing, reducing, recycling, DIY, baking, purchasing home-grown produce, eating less meat, buying products made locally, biking as much as possible, reusing bags, reusing bottles, air- drying my hair...
Here's a link to a great blog dedicated to a love of nature. Great, funky recycling ideas. DIY projects. Art with heart and love of the earth. It's inspiring:

The crest of an artist
Now, 7 years later, my hands are once again covered (to a much lesser extent as I've learned to manage my mediums) with paint and the side of my hands stained with lead. I still feel that sense of pride. And to tell you the truth, I feel it in a much more spiritually fulfilling manner. I'm not proud because of the cool kids in my class or the reputation of the art students or the clique I'm associated with. I'm proud because I've reached a level in my life where I feel truly whole. I am doing what I'm good at and I'm lining myself up for a successful, fruitful, happy career and future. It feels so, so good.
The magical world of studying arts is no longer unattainable or a naive choice. I know myself now and I know what direction is right for me. And I've found something that compliments all facets of my education, interest and skills. Satisfaction!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
First Impressions
I won't lie, my first impressions of the institution where I'm presently undertaking my diploma were.... well, pretty harsh. They definitely made me question the decision to take out two loans in order to finance this endeavour.
Out of the 5-6 people who I've dealt with within the Administration, half of them have mislead me, half of them seemed confused, and the majority have prominent lisps. Not to mention that they file documents (I'm talking serious documents here) in paper file folders which get passed around between seemingly incompetent individuals. Obviously I'm prejudice since I am of the generation of constant computer usage and a non-stop, hook up to some form of technology; nonetheless, having my precious documents just floating around in file folders, makes me rather nervous. Electronic signatures anyone? I'm also rather worried about them loosing my documents since a close friend who attended Lasalle warned me that the administration has a reputation of "misplacing" important forms...
I dealt with a man at financial aid who was pushy, condescending and who appeared full-on bothered to be answering my simple questions. According to him, the answers were very apparent and I was the one who should figure it out. I spent a couple of weeks tormented trying to figure out my loan situation, calling the government's (incredibly crappy) financial aid office and leaving phone messages for the jerk who help me (that were never answered).
All in all, I was a little worried right off the bat, my sense of cognitive dissonance was strong due to the cost of the schooling and I wanted to feel secure in my decision and have faith in the people who were tending this next step in my educational career.
I jumped the gun a little with the negativity, I hadn't yet started school after all!
Day one:
Ok, so Interdec College is connected to Lasalle College, which means fashion departments, marketing/administration departments, esthetics departments, food/service departments, and finally, the design departments. All in all, some serious cliques and some serious styles. Literally 40% of the school is rocking the highly trendy and disturbing "half shaved head". Judgmental looks all around. Double kisses going off left and right. Leggings, leggings, leggings, oversized salvation army sweaters, glasses without lenses, fake combat boots and many, many, many, gay boys. I was a little intimidated.
Classes throughout the first week were slow to start off. Alot of explaining, reading of outlines, discussing needed materials, going over cellphone usage rules. There are so many rules at this school! Almost felt like I was back in highschool,... well, a much more stylish highschool. You'd think that students who are paying such a high fee to attend the classes would actually act as if they want to be there. I quickly learned that there are several of my colleagues who just don't give a f____. Texting away, facebooking, not listening to explanations, not understanding simple directions, not knowing how to use a ruler (???? seriously people?!). And after all that, turning to me to find out the specifics of what needs to be done - ummm helllll no! Needless to say, I definitely stand out and I know, with confidence, that this is an opportunity for me to shine. There will be no timidity from me, thank you very much! I'm not going to hold back from answering every single question asked by the professor.
And so week one began, me sitting at the front of every class, chatting up the professors on breaks, answering all the questions directed to the class and basking in the positive after effects of my marketing degree: the knowledge, the marketing mindset, the terminology, the ability to multi-task, the ability to study/complete homework on time/still have time to relax, the ability to follow directions and read assignments before asking questions, all of which aided in my "star" status in classes. All in all, not to gloat (although, why not gloat? I have worked rather hard to get here), but I feel as though I am far ahead of a few of the other students.
Now on to the positives of InterDec, because I do feel rather thrilled about how these past two weeks have gone!
Firstly, the teachers:
Approachable, positive, happy to be teaching, professionals in their field, eager to give advice, encouraging of creativity/thinking outside the box/controversial artwork, eager for participators, welcoming of conversation with students. I truly feel as though I have a lot of learn from these people and hopefully, some valuable contacts to be made as well.
Secondly, the classes:
Creativity, Colour Theory, Design Rules, Page Layout 1, Maquettes and Mock-ups, Image Processing!
Although I may be a little ahead in the theory of some of these courses, I'm enjoying every step of the learning process. I don't want to miss a thing! Gotta get back to the basics. Feels incredible to sit down and draw for 4 hours and have that be my class. Pretty much my heaven.
A homework assignment I've been working on this week for my creativity class - Draw a Volkswagen Beetle with these 5 following personalities: Irreverence, Pain, Confused, Athletic, Bored, Pain.
Also exciting about the classes, throughout the 1st semester, the majority of our work is done on drafts tables. The Profs want us to feel inspired by our own creativity and brainstorming rather than by google search or the computer design programs. It's enlightening. It's made me realize just how much I turn to the internet for inspiration with projects.
All in all, it's starting to pick up and it's really starting to be fun, super fun in fact. I'm enjoying all aspects, even the most mundane (measuring, aligning, drawing boxes). And I can already feel my creativity flowing beyond my school projects, I've been taking pictures, drawing, coming up with ideas for art, coming up with ideas for my T.A.-ing.
I feel great!
Friday, August 20, 2010

I was reading Lake Jane.
A blog for the curious at heart, girly-girls, procrastinators, nail biters and eternal dreamers.The most recent topic blogged about was the Dwell Patterns by Heath Ceramics. These vibrant, funky tiles would give life and rhythm to any space yet not overburden it. These are not like other tile patterns, these were a product of the design company Dwell which creates goods for the modern home. And truthfully, they've done a beautiful job with these tiles - they are futuristic yet as a whole, not angular (as you would naturally envision something futuristic to be). The design background of the creators is definitely apparent. The patterns allow the eye to meander within the grout and slates, finding different repetitions and rhythms. It's all very architectural, yet, somewhat natural. A tile collection that speaks to Gen Y - half of them on drugs, a large percentage fancying themselves artists, the vast majority wanting to break away from the confines of previous generations, all of them looking to make their mark and establish themselves as individuals.
Check out the full collection for a visual trip right here!
And if you want to kill some time, happily perusing or need to find a gift for a fellow Gen Y'er, check out the Dwell site.
Speaking of patterns.... and visual trips.

Check out The Limits of Control. A film by Jim Jarmusch who did Broken Flowers and Coffee and Cigarettes.
I saw this film maybe a year ago... and it still haunts me. The visuals swirl around in my head. Virtually every scene provides splashes of colour and patterned backdrops - a film set in contemporary Spain, so the vibrant setting is to be expected to a certain extent. This piece is truly a work of art not only due it's cinematography but also the riveting story-line and incredible acting. Listen, I'm no film critique, but I do know that this film was beautiful and different and it drew me in. Truly inspiring for someone interested in the arts, philosophy, and with a strange sense of humour.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Calm Before the Storm

School begins in exactly 3 weeks! So this is pretty much the lull before the big bang. And this also feels like pretty much, the end of my prehistory. The end of my prologue. After this, who knows. This next year will change everything! The next year will start my new chapter.
I cannot wait to be submersed in an intensive graphic design program with passionate artists surrounding my everyday! I feel so happy and assured. Definitely not the feelings I had when I initially made the decision to go back to school. A few weeks ago, the fear of being beyond broke (with a massive loan over my shoulders) greatly overshadowed the excitement. The truth is that this is an investment in my future, albeit, a very large one. But forget the money, this is the necessary step. This is what I gotta do to get where I wanna be! The professor I'm assisting's words are ringing in my head: "Go for the jugular, don't be passive, don't think about the money - just focus on putting yourself where you need to be, who do you want to be in 20 years?". She gives me lots to contemplate. And she's right, if you want to be somewhere, you have to envision it and just go for it.
So before I get into the craziness that is September, I've been taking advantage of working from home, streaming Big Brother, making trips to Atwater Market, hanging out with girlfriends and making delicious meals with my lova. Last night we had a dinner of gourmet cheese (Camenbert from Quebec and France, Brie, spicy Gouda, Quebec Goat, aged Cheddar - accompanied by blueberries, olives and grapes), fresh bread, yummy salad and some lemon dark chocolate to top it all off. DELECTABLE and mouth watering as I think of it now.
September will mean my second trip to the Gaspe (to celebrate my Dad's 58th and his retirement), the filming and editing of promotional videos for JMSB undergraduate courses with yours truly as the Art Director :), the start of my graphic design studies, some fall camping and a weekend of PodCamp.

I feel so satisfied and positive about my choice! Cheers to the beginning of the rest of my life...
Friday, August 6, 2010
Appalled at JMSB's Curriculum Committee
What is the curriculum committee thinking???
This is a major step down for the school as a whole and the students who will have to suffer because of it. As a recent graduate, I feel that I have a duty to voice my opinion and represent the students who will follow me. I urge any JMSB graduates who have been fortunate enough to benefit from either of these three courses to SPEAK UP! Let the curriculum committee know how incredibly dense they are being.
Here was what I wrote to my professor when he asked for former students' opinions on the matter:
What are your thoughts on the proposed discontinuation of Marketing 460 (IMC)?
As a recent graduate from JMSB in Marketing, I can say with confidence that IMC was the only class which truly prepared me for a career in marketing. The IMC course gives the students a realistic view of what completing a real marketing project entails. Furthermore, I am shocked that this course’s validity and importance are being questioned since the trends in marketing point entirely toward integration of communications. This is the only class that allows students to grasp this trend and its implications.
Another trend that this course allows students to become knowledgeable about is that of experiential marketing. In order for companies to stay at the forefront of marketing, they must move towards experiential. How can JMSB boast “real education for the real world” if they do not offer students a course which teaches them about the aspects which are most important when moving into a career in marketing?
Employers are looking for recruits that are aware of the changes in the industry and who will bring a forward-looking and innovation-focused mindset to the company. JMSB allows graduates to have that advantage over other recruits by offering IMC. Discontinuing the IMC course would hinder the students’ development, their future success and the school’s reputation as “a business school focused on the real world and the students’ success”. In fact, discontinuing IMC would completely negate JMSB’s interest in their students’ success and their focus on the “real world”.
What are your opinions about combining advertising, direct marketing and IMC into one course?
Merging these three courses would remove the opportunities that students studying marketing at JMSB have to gain coveted knowledge and skills for their future career. These courses and their material test and educate the students in ways that other marketing courses do not.
Merging these courses would overwhelm the students with information. All of the highly important details would get lost. Further, these courses allow students to learn of different specializations within marketing; a merge of the three courses would be completely un-real world. The students are not paying thousands of dollars for their education to have this information shoved into their brains in 9 weeks. The students want to benefit from the courses and want to learn everything that they can. They do not want “speed-learning” they want a “real education for the real world”!
Advertising and IMC allowed me to gain a realistic perspective on what creating a campaign actually entails. Because of these two courses, I gained insight into the marketing world that I would have otherwise no been privileged to. I have entered into the work force a more knowledgeable, prepared, aware, confident and skilled individual because of the advertising and IMC courses.
If the curriculum committee does decide to go ahead with this merge, they are outwardly stating that they care more about budget, more about bureaucratic disagreements and more about their own agenda than the STUDENTS’ WELL-BEING and EDUCATION. The curriculum committee should be ashamed of their ignorance. I worry about the future of the students’ that have yet to pass through JMSB since this curriculum review makes it apparent that their best interest is not being taken into consideration.
What do you believe will be lost or gained by these proposed changes?
If these changes are in fact instated, JMSB as a whole and the graduates will be less coveted and less reputable. The skills developed because of these 3 courses are without comparison. This curriculum change will nullify the entirety of the committee’s interest in the students’ futures.
Therefore, what will be lost:
- JMSB’s reputation as an institution that cares about their graduates’ success.
- JMSB’s reputation as an institution that offers “real education for the real world”.
- The students will loose the opportunity to study at an institution that is at the forefront of business education.
- The students will loose the opportunity to learn of specialization within marketing.
- The students will loose the opportunity to develop coveted soft skills such as: communication skills, self-confidence, ease in group settings, listening skills, learning how to be effective and valuable team members.
- The students will loose the opportunity to develop coveted hard skills such as: developing presentations, developing campaigns, developing their cv and cover letter.
- All around, the students’ diplomas will be less valuable.
What will be gained:
- JMSB will be seen as an institution that cares less about their students and more about their budget.
- JMSB will be seen as an institution that offers speed-learning rather than in depth education.
- JMSB will be seen as an institution that is not interested in the forward-looking trends within the marketing industry but as an institution that is comfortable offering an outdated education.
- JMSB will be seen as an institution that offers a “one size fits all” education, with no real specialization and no real-life experience.
- The students will learn that cramming for exams is better than taking the time to learn.
- The students will learn that an outdated, theory-focused education at JMSB is as costly as an education at other business schools that actually offer courses on specialization, real-world knowledge and a focus on the actual trends within the industry.
Is JMSB not supposed to be focused on a real education for the real world? Is JMSB not supposed to be focused on their students’ education and their graduates’ success? Does JMSB not want to be at the forefront of business educations? Does JMSB not care what their students think or want? Why, after all the up-roar from the professors and the students involved in these courses, would the curriculum committee even consider implementing this change?
I am extremely disappointed and hope that future JMSB students can benefit from the institution that I benefited from; an institution focused on the future and focused on what was best for me.
Erin Willett
B.Comm, Marketing
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Oh life projects! How you bring me joy!
So here's a post I've had saved in my drafts since before I went to the Gaspe... oh ya, I went to the Gaspe :). Left on July 19th, a much needed week of tranquility, great food, laughs, family and time with Rox... But anyways, Blogger was testing my patience and not working with me properly so this post of projects is certainly not up to date. I honestly cannot wait to put down in writing all that's been happening. This blog has truly become a place for me to contemplate, solidify thoughts and find clarity. In moments of big change/decision making, I long to blog it out in order to figure it all out!
I was feeling inspired from the article I'd read about the little arcs and big arcs of life (view below), so I decided to track some of the recent "small arcs" I'd accomplished.
July 18th, 2010 - "I'm just about to watch the new True Blood episode, loading as we speak, so I don't have the time to fill in the details about said small arcs - so here are a few pictures! They speak for themselves..."
New fridge colour
Breakfast time
Verdun exploring by bike (I've yet to find a name for it)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Mind Moves the World

To design is to plan. Look around you. Where are you? What are you wearing? How do you feel? What are you looking at? What are you listening to? What are you doing? Whose plan is this? - David Barringer
Accomplishing the little arcs that are planned in order to get to the larger arc that define you and shape your life's path... Interesting.
Tiny pre-planned steps that lead to big moves!
Check out the full article. Rather inspirational for those stepping into the real world and needing a reality check when it comes to the job search and daily life "chores".
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Adding colour
To be frank, simply by typing out that last paragraph, I've annoyed myself. The annoyed part of me is thinking,
"Enjoy the freedom, discover your new path and grab life by the balls! This is the time to do it! So what if your a little broke - put a smile on and be happy, be adventurous, embrace the spontaneity!"
The other side of me, is fearful and wants the comfort and stability. And... honestly,... I doubt myself at times. I'm assuming that wispy remains of the pressure felt throughout my undergrad from colleagues and certain comrades are floating around within my thoughts and causing me to question my newly discovered sense of self, artistry and my "throw-caution-to-the-wind" attitude.
Again, my annoyed side, (my confident and gutsy and sure-fire, smart-mouthed, cocky side) is moaning in exasperation! "Boohoo! Quit being a debbie-downer... Put yourself out there - you got the talent!"
The truth is that being jobless has been rather inspiring. It was surprising at first to think that doing "not much" would encourage such a vivacity of imagination. However, my list of creative to-do's has been growing exponentially.
I've been embracing the little things that open my eyes to the creative around me. I've been biking more, reading blogs more, checking out people's art more, taking more pictures, reading more, DIY projects with Peter, conceptualizing my newly thought-out comic (or BD for the frenchies), thinking up other blogs.
Slowly but surely, my spurts of lethargy have been replaced by spurts of glowing and vibrant, love of/for creation.
The truth is, I'm realizing that being jobless is adding colour to my life. Allowing me to slow down and actually notice the colours - Allowing me the time to create more colourful writing and colourful art - Painting the fridge a funky colour and choosing colourful accessories for mine and Pete's bikes - Giving my skin colour while I enjoy the outdoors - Giving me time to cook more and create colourful dishes for loved one - Opening my eyes to the colours around me... in architecture, in scenery, in people's art, in shows I watch.
At the root of it all, being jobless is making me feel more vibrant and more alive. I don't feel as though I'm wasting time. I feel as though I'm gaining perspective and learning about myself. In the mean time, I'll enjoy all the beauty and colour and life and experiences and introspection that the free time is permitting me.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Job-Search
May the Great Job land in my lap with little effort! (....suuuuuure)
Week one was actually rather productive considering the fact that I have been taking great advantage of some free-time, sleeping in, reading and streaming far too many online shows. But hey, I'm giving myself a little break and not stressing the small stuff. I may be searching for a while so I don't want to be self-deprecating. I deserve some good-for-the-soul time, and by gosh, I'm going to take it!
Accomplishments from week one include but are not limited to:
- Prettying up my C.V.
- Adding "Creative Assistant to Assoc. Marketing Prof. Michele Paulin" under my list of work experience.
That reminds me, forgot to mention that I got a position as a teacher's assistant for an inspiring, driven and at times frighteningly, hard-working associate marketing professor at JMSB. Yay me!! I've already jumped into assisting her in the innovation of course content, outline and pedagogy as well as the creation of dynamic promotional tools for her classes. I will be assisting a Marketing of Services class and a Business-to-Business Marketing class at the undergraduate level. I must say, I feel rather proud of myself! And, I owe this position entirely to the fact that I stuck my neck out in her class last semester and decided to stand out and make a name for myself in my final semester as an undergrad. (Much of my gusto last semester was encouraged by this blog, by the way.)
Back to my list of accomplishments from week one...
- Contacted a head hunter to aid in my search of a creative job!
- Applied to 4 positions. The most interesting of which were: Social Media Marketer and Graphic Design Blog Manager.
Oh and...
- I got a bike!
This last one is rather important to me, not just for the savings on transportation and also not because of the physical benefit of the work out.
Although it was great to relax a little last week and have few responsibilities, I found myself feeling extremely lathargic around Friday afternoon. I realised just how much I love routine and schedule. This bike means a set, daily or weekly, trek that's bon pour le morale, that keeps the endorphins flowing and that's all around positive for my mental (and creative) stimulation. A constant recharge for my mind and body.
I told myself last night that I would start week two off with some POSITIVITY! No wallowing on facebook about other peoples' day jobs and summer activities. I took an hour or so bike ride along the Lachine Canal path. I was sweaty, red, exhausted... and I felt so great! The wind from the canal and Fleetwood Mac in my ears, what an amazing way to start off the day.
The bike ride also reminded me of what had been so important while in Italy - observation, taking time for yourself, enjoying with all your senses... I stopped and drew for 5 mins along the way. I had forgotten last week how good that felt.
No, I haven't sent out another C.V. today, but I feel good. I feel positive and I accept that this might take awhile. Afterall, I'm not looking for a quick fix, I'm looking for the perfect niche!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Feels as though it's been years...
A smidge over 2 months now since my last post. Not due to a slip of mind but due to a complete mental, physical and spiritual submersion into what I was doing (and that entailed disconnecting from the internet and technology). There were several moments however, while on my emotional and artistic and life-altering journey in Italy, that I thought " I'd love to blog this right now!". I wanted to freeze frame my experiences; encapsulate the scents, grasp the depth of the emotions and translate (to the best of my ability) the magnitude of energies floating around me. What a trip. Its effect on me will come in waves, I'm sure. The things that I've seen will be in the back of my mind for.... ever? I feel so moved, inspired, touched and connected to what I experienced that I don't think it will ever stop affecting me.
This trip has shaken my life up. It has twisted me around. I'm still spinning and dizzy from all of it... Where will I exit from this whirlwind and how will it shape the path I get sent onto?
A few pinnacles I have taken from this journey:
A certainty in my love of creation and capturing. A month of drawing from observation, taking pictures, re-creating sights-seen. A month of absorbing the breathtaking objects, views, people, places around me and putting them down on paper... with my own subtleties, my own sensitivity, my own passion and my own soul directing the pencil, has left me awestruck at the power of my eye, the skill I possess and the beauty of everything around me if I take the time to notice it.
I need to focus on me. Not by being egotistical and self-centered, but by being self-aware and realistic about my abilities. I need to embrace what I love and what I am good at and let go of the distractions that bring with them only negative sentiment. I spent too much time throughout my undergrad, focusing on the successes of others around me, on their talents and their paths and the expectations of society and the university. I felt jealous, pressured, stressed. My vision of myself and my future was blinded by my colleagues' and comrades' visions for themselves. I need to focus on myself, especially during this life-changing transition period, in order to be intuitive, focused, positive, forward-thinking and unique in my choice of path.
There's something bigger out there. I am by no means a religious person. I have realized, however, that I am very spiritual. I felt more in contact with myself, with the world, with the people around me than I've ever felt while in Italy. I felt smaller also, than I've ever felt. Smaller in the universe and smaller in the history of everything. I didn't realize how much of a bubble I was living in. My travels made me realize the beauty, magnificence, shear size and power of history, culture, religion and belongingness. Elements that were outside my bubble while living in Montreal only 2 months ago.
Prior to this trip: History was something that existed only in textbooks. Culture is diverse in Montreal, it is a mish-mash. I felt disconnected from it. Religion was a notion created by man to control the masses and impose. Finally, belonging.... I belong to my family and my small tree of relatives. I didn't feel as though there was a greater community that I belonged to.
In Italy, the history, culture and religion are intertwined throughout all members of society. These elements all supplement and superimpose eachother in a continuous growing spiral. A force that does not get questioned and simply is. The history, culture and religion is rooted in all and gives them a sense of belonging that I had never experienced before. The faith and brotherhood was astonishing and I was envious of it. No, I do not believe in a god, but when millions of people throughout centuries and milleniums have been brought together for a common goal and with common beliefs, I have to believe in something greater: The powers that unite us. Seeing how the Italians belonged made me realize how I belong, and how we all belong. The belonging as humans and as energies and as specs throughout the story of humanity, earth and the universe. This belonging is all-encompassing and is greater than can be fathomed. Feeling smaller than I'd ever felt made me feel more connected than I'd ever felt to everything around me. It gave me a sense that all that is around us has a purpose and is driven by a common force... whatever that force may be.
Truthfully though, the beauty of Italy alone was astonishing enough to make me believe in a higher power.
Love > Money. I know this one seems incredibly obvious. Haven't I been ranting this whole blog through about the fact that I want to do something I love? Yes. But I didn't really get it. Although I had some truly high points during my university career, creating, being imaginative, being a leader and especially during my Telus project as head of creation, there was always a sense of panic, fear of judgement and control from outside forces. In a sense, I was partly driven by negative forces.
While creating in Italy, there were several moments when I felt ENTIRELY connected to what I was doing: mind, body, soul, emotions, spirit, aspirations, all molded together and working as one unified force. I'd never felt that before. I was doing something that I loved and I was so, so happy. It allowed me to be carefree, confident, driven, positive. It allowed me to be ME. I was completely driven by positive forces.
I will always be tempted by my business side and I will always aspire to money. This is a part of me and a part of my "truth". I understand that fully and won't fight it. Italy though, has given me a new direction and a new purpose, one that is based on what I love and what makes me feel whole.
On June 3rd, I walked away from my final critique with my inspirational drawing teacher, Michele Delisle, 7 sketchbooks in arm. A wave of everything that I'd seen and done in the past month swept over me. Emotions high and PRIDE higher than ever. My drawings, not technically perfect, but perfect encapsulations of what the month meant to me and how the things I'd seen had touched me. What a great accomplishment and an incredible step. I will cherish this experience wholeheartedly. I know already that I will look back at this moment and think, "That experience was a turning point for me. It changed my life".
Last Tuesday, I graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from the John Molson School of Business. My loving family and boyfriend beside me, my sense of belonging high. A great accomplishment and an incredible step. An accomplishment I am truly proud of. I have not taken the path that other John Molson graduates have... but I am confident, more so now than ever, that this is the right path for me; One based on education, passion, art and soul.

My sister accomplishments: my drawing experience in Italy and my bachelor in Commerce. Complimenting one another and major steps in forging the future me.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
So near the end...

Haven't made an entry in over two weeks now. But haven't forgotten about my blog and I'm still intent on tracking my progress. There's much to track!
Everything is coming to an end around me and I'm forced to keep on trucking to finish at a level that satisfies my want to stand out during my final semester of undergrad. I'm exhausted but I want to finish this off with shining colours! I want this semester to be the one that changes everything and opens doors. I'm feeling good about it and proud of myself right now.
I set out in January, ready to make my mark and establish myself in a lasting way within JMSB. I want to leave a ripple of me resonating throughout the school once I'm done. I want to be recognized for my hard work. Only now do I finally have the confidence to back up my work and accept the recognition. It feels great to have stood out and represented myself and let go of the self-deprecation and comparison to others. I feel confident entering into the "real world" with a solid foundation and wide variety of coveted hard and soft skills.
This final project is taking up more time, more mental, physical and emotional energy and more drive than I've ever given, or been able to give, to anything in my life. I am completely absorbed by it. And not because I have to be, because I want to do this in the best way possible. My team will deliver on Tuesday and blow those judges away. I can't help but think about the possibility of a win....
I'm eager to let this chunk of my life go and move on to the next big step: the move with Peter. I've been so involved in this project and Italy that I don't feel I've given him the enthusiasm, support and excitement that he deserves. For the time being, however, I have to put those future thoughts aside and focus on the now - focus on the project and focus on bringing it to its highest level of potential... Once that's accomplished - I will be all about the move, my Peter, and the home we will create.
Let's daydream of my return in June for a quick minute before getting back to reality and work work work:
What if we win? What if I get home and this campaign is actually implemented? What if my designs are used??? Beyond the project though, I will be in a blissful artistic state on my return from a month as an artist in Italy... coming back to a loving home with Peter and the kitten friends.... free from my current job and ready for the unknown... ready for the heat, excitement and vibrancy of Montreal in the summer.... celebrating with friends... attending my university graduation.... wooooowwwwwwww...... the sun is shining and I couldn't be more excited for what lies ahead.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Beautifully morbid, morbidly beautiful

Several big bits of negative news are floating around me today. Nothing specifically affecting me, but nonetheless affecting my psyche.
I have a morbid outlook on the world right now, a beautifully morbid outlook. Others' misfortunes force me to consider the possibility of being in their position. In these moments, I contemplate my life as though I'm watching a black and white flash-forward of what-ifs. It's heavy, elegant, daunting. Perfect mascara stains and lace headwear at my funeral, the crushing blow as I find out a family member has been in a car crash and fall the ground gasping.... I know it's incredibly self-centered and disturbing. The end result is always that I appreciate those around me so much more.
Sometimes I like to go to that dark place in my mind, allow myself to taste the sadness and wallow in the feeling of loss. It's comforting and it reminds me to be grateful. It's morbid of me, yes. But it's beautiful.
It's reminiscent of the feeling I used to get when watching The Secret Garden as a child. Less than the images, I remember the emotions. The intense loss and the slow liberation of healing. I especially remember the sense of freedom during the fast-forward sequence of the coming of spring - incredibly gratifying. These are the feelings I get when those around me face real sadness, loss. I absorb it, get the tiniest sense of the devastation and then I latch onto the freedom and release of realizing that it hasn't happened to me - I am still alive and happy and surrounded by love.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Client rage... and a little self-encouragement!

I realize that I need to work for less in order to build up my experience but I don't want to enter this business by lowering my prices simply to please cheap clients; particularly considering my packed schedule and lack of time for work.
I'm facing the reality that I might just have to work for less once I get back from Italy and have no job - but the bottom line is, my work is good and it should be priced as such. It'll be much easier then, though. I'll have no school work, no job (for a short time) and I'll be doing something I'm passionate about - I could deal with less cash.
I do feel unsure and a little shakey but this is where it begins, I have to reinforce the confidence and stand behind my abilities. Therefore, my work=$$$. Otherwise, I'll be just another struggling artist with no self-confidence and making no money.
40 days and 40 nights until...
Days filled with homemade colaziones and cenas, visitas, italiano classes and disegno disegno disegno! I want to submerse myself into my drawing and soak it all up - see everything as an artist with an open mind, have little inhibition and a strong sense of self. I want to start seeing the world as I used to see it during my first year in fine arts at John Abbott College; as lines and shades and curves and colours and depth. I'm going to make a pact with myself to document all of it - remember all the names and places and be able to put digital and drawn images to them.
Here's a list of the predetermined drawing/lesson/visit/touring spots!
Cortona, Tuscany
Piazza Del Duomo

This trip signifies a major change for me: the finishing of my degree in Marketing from John Molson School of Business and the end of my time spent working in an office as an administrator (...yawn...); More importantly, it represents the beginning: the beginning of embracing my artistic side and doing so with a business mind, the beginning of marketing my skills and valuing my true talents, the beginning of embracing who I want to be and striving towards it, the beginning of my life post undergrad.... and the beginning of who knows what else. Hopefully, the beginning of a completely new mindset - one of individuality, passion, precision, self-confidence, skill development, ambitiousness (not to say that I haven't shown ambitiousness) but this is the start of my passionate ambition, driven by my abilities, intelligence, sense of self and broadened knowledge.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Importance of the Online Profile

In this day and age, when so many of our perceptions and judgments are based on ones' viral activity, a large part of our identities are created through our presence online. People judge us based on our online activity, employers do or do not hire us based on our online activity and our online activity can make or break a potential relationship based on that initial acceptance of friendship and the lurking that ensues shortly afterward. What does my online presence say about me?
What does this blog say about me?
I realize that I created it and am following through on it for selfish reasons, to track my progression and hopefully force myself into a forward momentum as far as my career is concerned; Nonetheless, I'm writing it for the masses. The point is to stand out and have a voice among every other 24 yr old blogger trying to find their way. The few followers that I have and the few that happen upon my blog gain insight into my life in these short snippets - same goes for the farce that is my facebook page and my newly created linkedin page. (I realize that in the short amount of time that I've had this blog, others' perceptions of me have been a topic on two occasions, but I care about what people think of me and I'm not ashamed of that. Human interactions are what life's all about and therefore, I contemplate this stuff).
I want people to perceive me for what I am. It's so easy for people to create preconceived notions of you. In fact, it's human nature, but I want to shape those perceptions to the best of my ability. Can we really depict who we are through a viral medium? Maybe that's what this day's communication is all about.
I'm hoping that someone out there - some random who's destined to enter into my life - will stumble upon one of my online profiles and think, "I understand this girl, I get this girl, she's real and I want to give her an opportunity". I know it sounds ridiculous; However, with so much of our lives online and so much effort put into creating these accurate online depictions/snapshots of who we are fundamentally, isn't our goal to have someone connect with us and "feel" us and to inevitably gain from that connection? Don't we all want someone to say, "I think you're great and I want to help you on you career path." Okay, maybe not all of us want that... But, I do! Over here, world!! Look at me, surf my pages, see my potential!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Celebrating! (So much)

Venting - It was bound to happen...
Some venting to do today and also some celebrating; Seems to be a lot to celebrate and less to vent about these days, so I’ll get the latter out of the way first. I anticipated having a rocky start to my start-up design company... so this is to be expected. Here it goes.
Amidst the most hectic of all my undergrad semesters - school work, presentations, group meetings, actual work, time with boyfriend, social life, sleep (the little that I do get) and so on - I’ve taken on a few design jobs in order to stretch my legs and test my skills! I entered into them feeling confident in my abilities and confident in my grasp of my clients’ wants. I’ve gotten a few reality checks, though.
Firstly, I’m working on an ad for an industrial distributor of packaging products for farmers. I met with him and spoke with him several times about the layout and elements he wanted me to include in the ad. The last I hear from him, he says that he’d like me to have it completed before I leave for
Secondly, and more annoyingly, I’m creating a logo for a student association at my university. The president approached me and said he needed it within a week. We sat a spoke of elements he’d like me to include. He mentioned a few things but for the most part, he gave me little insight. I proposed ideas, to which he seemed enthusiastic and responsive! Good start, or so it seemed. I buckled down (again, amongst all my other work) and completed 10 variations of logos from which the association could choose one or parts of them that they wanted me to rework for the final version. I send them out, by my deadline, eager to hear the executive input.
I get one email back from the VP of external affairs saying she didn’t think they even needed a logo and that she thought the ones I’d sent looked like Balls. What am I supposed to do with that information?? Balls?? Really? Apparently, the president had approached me too soon, and there were internal conflicts which needed to be resolved prior to moving forward. Why the VP External felt the need to air these conflicts out to a third party hired to do a job for them? I don't know. What do you think of them? Ballish? Hah. I'll admit a few of them do have a phallic/testicular quality to them! And, I'll laugh that off.

Now, he wants me to create a second, entirely new round of logos from which the association will choose. My time is not free, people! I told him that I’d charge him for the work I’d already done if he wanted me to start over since according to him, there was nothing from my first round that they could work with. I feel snubbed and my ego is a little crushed – but that’s the name of the game. I gotta toughen up and realize that it’s impossible to please an entire board of executives - especially pompous student execs. Now, the tough part will be getting paid for something they didn’t use…
Monday, March 8, 2010
Official! BOOM!
So,.. explosion it is!! I'm ready for the excitement and fear and adventure of the new!
What will this next job bring? What doors will be opened? What skills will I learn?
I should jump on the job-searching/interviewing process asap. Can I really fit another task into my schedule?? As much as I feel the need to have something lined up for my return in June, I know this trip will change my mentality completely. Maybe the job I'd go for now will be a 180 from what I'll want in June.
Oh right, forgot to mention, I officially registered my design business! Erin Willett Designs. Oh yes... feels so good!
So, if the fates are with me, maybe I won't need to line up a job. Maybe, just maybe, I can use my last 10 months in Montreal to explore my entrepreneur and designer sides. And, I'll have a degree in marketing, so I should technically have all the skills needed to market myself effectively. It'll be tough. But, as mentioned, the explosion is suppose to entail grabbing my life by the balls! Why not step out and allow myself to rock the shit out of my first year as a small business owner? After all, this is supposed to be my lucky year! Shine on me, Fates!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
People watching and the mental travels that ensue
In essence, the people watching, allows me a brief delve into a universe unlike my own, infact completely different from my own. I take from that universe what I can during our rapid encounter, based on my perceptions and judgments and mood and I submerge back into my universe, slightly altered - with my mind and eyes more open and my awareness of self more acute.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Making moves and feeling good

Ahhhh, the stress, fear of failure, self-worth and satisfaction that come along with jumping into something new... I won't lie, I definitely had to build up the guts and convince myself of the degree of my talents before taking some serious steps, towards my career.
I'm surrounded by students who haven't yet put themselves into a category with "the adults in the real world". It's highly intimidating to suddenly have to view something you do as a passion, as a possible career. And even more intimidating to do things that put your neck on the line and skills on display. I guess that's jumping into the real world.
But I got no shit to bitch about right now, only money to make!
So, I'm registering my business: Erin Willett Designs. Starting an online portfolio of my work (should have done this a long, long time ago). Getting contracts! Making some $$$! Hells to the yes. Seems as though I might have what it takes to make something real out of this.
Luckily for me, the contracts are falling into my lap. The majority of the people I've been around in the past 4 years are business students... Business students turn into business people... Business people need creatives for marketing... And I'm especially lucky that my JMSB colleagues are all go-getters with fires under their asses and their heads in the clouds, because they all fancy themselves entrepreneurs. They need to make their companies known on a tight budget - enter, me. The best part, they all expect to pay me; they're all in it for the money and they understand that no one works for free.
I look at my counterparts in the visual arts department, living a life I could have been involved in had I chosen my second option 4 years ago. All attempting to enter into the art or design world with an art background; All of them struggling. They don't have the business background I now have, and they don't live with the notion that no one works for free because they view art passionately rather than as a comunication devise. (Don't get my wrong, I am PASSIONATE about art, but I want the MONEY!). They are far more passive when it comes to making the bucks from their contracts; maybe because they see them as an extension of their school projects.
Hum... look at that, I think I have a leg up. Yay me for realizing my worth in monetary amounts and understanding the value of my skills to potential clients. Yay to a business degree and yay to a marketing mind.